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Friday 25th October

Friday 25th October
25 October 2024

As we conclude this half-term, I reflect on the past eight weeks. Our new Year 3 children have settled in well.

We have enjoyed school trips, safeguarding audits, peer reviews with other schools, plenty of learning, themed days, and wrapped up yesterday with an informal parent school visit at the end of the day. The children are really focused on their work. Please take a moment to ask your child what they have learned this half-term.

In the next half-term, we will emphasis oracy—the ability to express oneself fluently and grammatically in speech. This topic has gained attention in the news and media as both children's and adults' oracy skills have declined with the rise of technology in our lives. Encouraging you and your children to have technology-free days during the holidays would be wonderful. Spend quality time together engaging in activities that support our health, well-being, and oracy. This could include walks in the woods, autumn picnics in the park, or simple games and nature art sessions, such as painting pinecones or leaf printing. I often reminisce about when my children were on school holidays and how I would plan daily activities that allowed us to spend meaningful time together at little cost. Trust me, you will come to miss these opportunities as your children grow up and begin to lead their own lives.

Mrs. Banks has sent out an optional family homework assignment for the half-term, and there will be raffle prizes for participants. It would be great to see as many families participate as possible. She has also shared information about our new oracy cup assemblies, which allow children to speak on subjects they feel passionate about.

Looking ahead to the next half-term, we have a few upcoming events:

We will be selling poppies for Remembrance Day. Children were shown various items they could purchase starting Monday, 4th November. These include reflectors, slap bands, friendship bands, zip tags, and poppies. Prices range from 50p to £3.00, and children can buy these during break times.

Children in Need is on Friday, 15th November. We are asking for donations, which can be made online. We will send out more information closer to the date. The theme is superheroes so that children can dress as superheroes or wear spots. Those who find dress-up days challenging are welcome to come in their usual school uniform if they prefer.

These events exemplify generosity, which is our next Agora Values Day. We embrace this value each half-term and provide opportunities for its expression in all our schools. Agora comprises 10 schools, and we collaborate with the children and staff. Over the years, these events have increased and enhanced opportunities for our children. On Monday, 25th November, we will celebrate the "Give Time Generously Together" event. More details will follow after half term.

Have a fantastic Half-Term holiday.


  • Friday 25th October – Last day of half term school finishes at 3:10 pm 
  • Tuesday 29th October- Thursday 31st October- Half-term theatre school
  • Monday 4th November – Children return back
  • Monday 4th November- Remembrance day items on sale 
  • Monday 4th November - Year 6 - Hazard Alley Trip
  • Wednesday 6th November- Football tournament 
  • Wednesday 6th Wednesday 13th November – Travelling book fair in school 
  • Friday 8th November- Nasal Flu spray in school 
  • Monday 11th November – Year 3 creative chefs workshop
  • Wednesday 13th November- Girls football tournament 
  • Friday 15th November- Children in Need dress up day 
  • Friday 21st November- Dog safety talk for all children 
  • Wednesday 27th November – After school curriculum evening, take part and see what we do at Wilbury Junior School More information to come- save the date)
  • Thursday 19th December – Whole school Panto trip to Hertford Theatre
  • Friday 20th December- Children break up for Christmas at 1:30 pm
  • Wednesday 8th January 2025- Children return after the Christmas break