Home Learning

The expectation of home learning at Wilbury Junior School is as follows;

  • At least 5 x reading each week. At least three of these reads should be from a school reading book. Additionally, for further reading the children can choose to read a magazine or news article, listen to an audio book, listen to an adult read or read a book from the library. - parents sign to say in-home reading  record books. Each of these five reads should be noted and signed by an adult in the reading record.
  • Earning 1000 coins on TTRS (Timetable Rockstars) - some children who find maths challenging may be asked to do 500 points - the teacher will inform the child about this
  • Year 6 will have additional tasks over the year to support them with their SAT’s and to support with transition to secondary school.

It is an expectation that children take part in home learning as this supports them in school with their learning in school and progress. If children do not complete the home learning they will stay in at break or lunch to complete this. Please encourage your child to do this as it really does create good learning behaviour and organises them for secondary school.

Additional Home Learning Opportunities

Many children choose to complete additional homework linked to their class learning and this is celebrated and displayed in their classroom.

Additionally, throughout the year, the children are encouraged to take part in additional home learning linked to curriculum areas, charity events or religious or cultural celebrations.

Below are some of the additional opportunities that have taken place so far this year...

Autumn term - Pupil Profiles, Children in Need bookmark competition, Black History Month - profile challenge, Diwali research/crafts, Garden House Hospice Tractor Christmas lights competition, Wilbury Parliament writing competition.

  • BBC Bitesize A collection of videos for PSHE and Citizenship. This is the study of how social, personal and work-related skills are developed in order to play an effective role in society

  • BBC Good Food Get the children into the kitchen and turn them into little chefs with our easy and fun cooking projects and simple meals. They'll love tasting their handiwork.

  • Growth Mindset Carol Dweck researches “growth mindset” — the idea that we can grow our brain's capacity to learn and to solve problems. In this talk, she describes two ways to think about a problem that’s slightly too hard for you to solve. Are you not smart enough to solve it ... or have you just not...

  • NSPCC The UK Children's Charity

  • NSPCC- Online Safety Meet Pantosaurus - our pant-wearing Dino! He wants every child to stay safe and strong, just like him, and he's on a mission to share an important message.

  • Think U Know Thinkuknow is the education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline.

  • PHS- Healthy Eating Use these resources to help children learn about the effects of eating too much sugar and start to build healthier habits.

  • Pop 'n' Olly A free resource for children, parents and teachers, providing LGBT+ educational videos, which teach about equality and diversity. We aim to combat discrimination before it can begin to form

Remote Learning

During the Covid Pandemic, Wilbury Junior School used Google classroom to support remote learning. We continue to use Google Classroom for home learning and in class. Each child has a google classroom login and is shown how to access this within the school and outside of school. Each pupil in Years 3 and 4 have their own Chromebook to use in school and will stay with them as part of their journey through school.

Google Classroom Rules

Remote Learning Plan