Breakfast and Afterschool Care

Wilbury Junior School Breakfast and Afterschool clubs are out of school childcare settings for children aged between 7 and 11 years who attend Wilbury Junior School.

Breakfast Club - runs Monday to Friday, 7.30 a.m. to 8:40 am and includes breakfast.  This can be a choice of bagel, cereal, toast and a drink.   There is a range of activities for the children to get involved in. Breakfast club costs £4 per child per session or £5 per child per session if booked with less than 24 hours’ notice.  Late booking will need to be made via the school office.

Afterschool Club - runs Monday to Friday, 3.15 to 5 pm. A light snack is offered. Afterschool Club costs £8.50 per child per session or £10.50 per child per session if booked with less than 24 hours notice. Late bookings will need to be made via the school office.

Activities on Offer at Wilbury Junior School Breakfast and After School Club

The sessions are play-based and structured to include quiet time and free play as well as planned activities.

Planned activities available may include:

  • Creative activities: painting, drawing, cutting, sticking and model-making
  • Exploring the computer (children have access to the computer suite)
  • Free play with activities chosen by your child
  • In reasonable weather conditions, outside play
  • Board games and construction play 
  • Children will be given the opportunity to watch TV and have a home-from-home experience

 For further information please see the letter below or get in touch with the school office.

Letter - Breakfast and After School ClubTerms and Conditions