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- Friday 15th November
Friday 15th November

It has been a busy week at Wilbury, with children knuckling down and completing lots of work across the curriculum.
Christmas arrangements at Wilbury
Here is what we will be doing for the Christmas festivities so that you are aware in advanced
Tuesday, December 17th, is Christmas Dinner Day. On this day, Children can wear Christmas jumpers or school uniforms.
Wednesday 18th December - Year 4 Christmas production at 2pm (separate letter being sent out to Year 4 parents)
Thursday 19th December – Christmas Panto at Hertford theatre (children can bring their snack- no nuts and a packed lunch will be needed)
Friday 20th December - Singing to parents at 1:00 pm in the Year 5 and 6 playground
Friday 20th December 2024- School closes at 1:30 pm. End of term
Religion in School
Mrs Stacey, our RE leader, sent out a link to a questionnaire about religious education and what your thoughts and feelings were about this at Wilbury. We have had some fantastic responses to this. If you have not responded, please do so on the link below
For parents' information, all children can attend the faith tour in the autumn term of Year 5. This tour is based in Bedford and is externally organised. Children visit a mosque, a Gurdwara, and a church during it.
We now have a multi-faith prayer space in school, where children can pray quietly or spend time reflecting and being still. They do this freely and are never directed or sent to do this. You will get to see this if you come along to the curriculum evening.
Curriculum Evening
3:30 pm-5 pm on Wednesday, 27th November; this is a chance for you to walk around the school, meet the teachers and see what different subjects look like at Wilbury Junior School.
Agora ‘ Generously spending time together ‘
On Monday, 25th November, all the schools in the Agora Trust will be celebrating generosity, as this is one of our trust values. Children will be taught that over Christmas time, we spend lots of money, waste lots of things, and consider making our Christmas more sustainable. Many of us can give a gift, which many of us like to have is people's time; this does not cost anything or waste resources, but spending time together is suitable for all involved. You can read with your child on Wednesday during the curriculum event in the school library.
As a school class, we will be swapping stores with each other, along with other opportunities to give generously during break and lunchtime, such as litter picks, games with other children, and lunchtime with siblings and friends.
- Friday 21st November- Dog safety talk for all children
- Wednesday 27th November – After school curriculum evening, participate and see what we do at Wilbury Junior School. More information to come- save the date)
- Tuesday, December 17th- Christmas Dinner Day. On this day, Children can wear Christmas jumpers or school uniforms.
- Wednesday 18th December - Year 4 Christmas production Wednesday 18th December at 2 pm (separate letter being sent out to Year 4 parents)
- Thursday 19th December – Christmas Panto at Hertford theatre (children can bring their snack- no nuts and a packed lunch will be needed)
- Friday 20th December - Singing to parents at 1:00 pm
- Friday 20th December 2024- School closes at 1:30 pm End of term
- Wednesday 8th January 2025- Children return after the Christmas break