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- Friday 13th September
Friday 13th September

Our clubs started this week. It was beautiful seeing the children joining both afterschool and shine clubs. If your child is interested, there are still spots available. The clubs will run for half a term, so if they fill up, children can join in the next half term.
Thank you for your feedback about giving more explanation about the club – we will do this next time; if you want any more information, please get in touch with Chelsea at head@wilbury.herts.sch.uk
Open session for Parents
Next week, on Wednesday afternoon, we invite parents to visit their child's new class, meet the teacher, and look at the children's English and Maths books. If you have time, feel free to share a story. This will be an informal meeting from 2:50 to 3:05 pm. Please come to the front reception, and we will show you where your child's class is. If you can't make it, don't worry; there will be other opportunities later in the school year.
This term, we are teaching kids about the importance of being organised. This means children need to come to school prepared, keep their things in order, and be ready to learn. Every Friday, we give out awards for demonstrating good values. This year, our theme is superheroes, and we have the power to make a difference. Last year, our song was Reach for the Stars, and this year, the celebration song is ‘I've Got the Power in Me’ Please see the link for dance actions that we are teaching the children to accompany the singing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qhXA6nPTa4
Have you got any oxygenated pond plants spare?
The school needs some oxygenated pond plants. If you have any to spare, please consider donating them to us. The gardening club is working on organising and tidying up the pond area so that others can enjoy it.
Keeping Our Community Safe
Nut Allergies—We have several children in school with nut allergies, both airborne and when eaten. Can you please make sure that you do not send nuts to the school? This includes Nutella sandwiches and other nut products.
Break time snacks
Children can bring a vegetable or fresh fruit snack at Wilbury Junior School. Ideally, this would be in a reusable container or as an individual piece of fruit.
At Wilbury Junior School, we are passionate about reducing waste, recycling, and reusing where possible. This is why we have supplied all children with reusable water bottles. We ask that single-use plastic bottles not be used at school. Ideally, we want to get to a position where we are packaging items at home and not having prepackaged foods with a lot of packaging. Can you please be mindful when packing lunches and snacks for your children?
Hertfordshire County Council
Hertfordshire County Council has written a guide about supporting neurodiversity children. This guide is helpful for all parents as it helps us all understand people better. It is called the Neurodiversity Handbook.
Walking Home
At Wilbury, we allow children in Year 5 and Year 6 to walk to and from school independently with parental permission. When children walk home, the parents are responsible when they are off the school grounds. Please discuss with your child the expectations you have of them when walking home. I would also suggest walking with them so they are clear on the journey home and what they should do if they feel unsafe.
Picking Up Children
If you are late to pick up your children at the end of the day, please go to the front reception and walk around, not through the school.
Diary Dates
- Wednesday 18th September - All year groups parents welcome into school between 2:50 pm and 3:05 pm to see work and classroom
- Monday 23rd September – Year 6 Hazard Alley
- Tuesday 1st October - Year 5 Faith Tour
- Monday 7th October – Individual photographs
- Tuesday 22nd October – Parents evening (More information to come)
- Wednesday 23rd October – Parents Evening (More information to come)
- Friday 25th October – Last day of half term school finishes at 3:10 pm
- Monday 4th November – Children return back
- Wednesday 6th Wednesday 13th November – Travelling book fair in school
- Wednesday 27th November – After school curriculum evening, take part and see what we do at Wilbury Junior School (More information to come- save the date)
- Friday 20th December- Children break up for Christmas at 1:30 pm
- Wednesday 8th January 2025- Children return after the Christmas break