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- Friday 20th September
Friday 20th September

This week
This week, we celebrated National Fitness Day on Wednesday, September 18th. The children participated in an active assembly; each class did an additional fitness activity, and at lunchtime, we were treated to a task sheet of 8 activities for the children to participate in. This was very popular, and I was impressed that the Year 3 children could join in brilliantly.
Also, on Wednesday, we had our first informal open session for parents to come and see their child's class and work and meet the class teacher and teaching partner. This was advertised on the school news last week, and we sent a reminder on the day via social media. We will put these events in the school diary, so please look at the Wilbury News each week.
Next Week
Next week, you will receive a letter about the whole school Pantomime on Thursday, December 19th, during the day. It would be great if all the children could attend, as we would like it to be a whole school trip, just like the zoo in July. These are a lovely experience for the children and help them get in the Christmas mood. This year, we will be going to Hertford Theatre.
Hazard Alley Trip
Year 6 will be visiting Hazard Alley on Monday. Children will need a packed lunch, or parents can order one directly from Swift Kitchen.
Mental Health
We have some more dates for workshops for parents to support their children with mental health.
School Dinners
We want to thank you for your continued support of the new online lunch ordering system. It is greatly appreciated that you are ordering and cancelling your children's lunches for them. This system is in many schools, and we apologise for any inconvenience it may have caused you. If you have any concerns, please do go directly to Swift Kitchen.
Pick up and drop off
The children start school at 8:40 and finish at 3:10 p.m. Please make sure you are prompt when dropping off and picking up. If the children continue to be late to be picked up, we will charge for after-school clubs if this becomes a regular occurrence.
Clubs finish at 4:10 pm and ask that parents be prompt at picking up from clubs to allow staff to get home on time.
All clubs this year will run for 5-week blocks- this means all clubs finish by the week ending Friday, 11th October 2024. They will restart after half term. The usual wrap-around care continues until the end of the half term.
Diary Dates
- Monday 23rd September – Year 6 Hazard Alley
- Tuesday 1st October - Year 5 Faith Tour
- Friday 4th October- Multisports Festival at Knights Templar (letter to those children will go out)
- Monday 7th October – Individual photographs
- Thursday 10th October- World Mental Health Day- Children to wear something yellow.
- Friday 11th October – Last club for this half-term
- Tuesday 22nd October – Parents evening (More information to come)
- Wednesday 23rd October – Parents Evening (More information to come)
- Friday 25th October – Last day of half term school finishes at 3:10 pm
- Monday 4th November – Children return back
- Wednesday 6th Wednesday 13th November – Travelling book fair in school
- Wednesday 27th November – After school curriculum evening, take part and see what we do at Wilbury Junior School (More information to come- save the date)
- Thursday 19th December – Whole school Panto trip to Hertford Theatre
- Friday 20th December- Children break up for Christmas at 1:30 pm
- Wednesday 8th January 2025- Children return after the Christmas break